In Q3 2021, we still saw growth of 18% from 26% and 142% in the Latest Mailing Database preceding quarters. Growth is stagnating, but compared to the global average of 11%, the Netherlands is still doing very well. In the Shopping Index I found Latest Mailing Database even more interesting figures. This shows that the Netherlands has one of the highest conversion rate figures. With an average of 3.2%, it is even higher Latest Mailing Database than in the UK (2.8%) and the US (2.5%).
The Netherlands still lags behind in the average Latest Mailing Database order amount compared to the global average. Converted to dollars in the Netherlands, this is about $65.70, while the average is $103.43. Is there still an optimization step for the Dutch e-commerce companies? For 2022 I share 6 trends that you can get started in 2022. With the Latest Mailing Database emphasis on 'can' because your budget, knowledge and available technology are not Latest Mailing Database relevant. These are trends that everyone can benefit from.
The article ends with the typical trend Latest Mailing Database topics that we should definitely not forget. 1. Social commerce 2. Customer journey optimization 3. Cross-border commerce 4. Efficient Technology Stack 5. Green Ecommerce 6. Focus Latest Mailing Database on staff 1. Social commerce What the Facebook outage of early October 2021 showed is that you shouldn't be completely dependent on the tech giants. However, there are also a lot of opportunities. For example, the Shopping Index of Salesforce shows that social traffic in the Netherlands Latest Mailing Database is well below average. For example, the percentage in the Netherlands is around 8% on mobile.